Model parameters

Note that the cross-section option (xseca) should not be enabled, because it it does not affect the bound and resonant states, but can substantially slow down the calculations.


Once mcasopt has found a solution, you may wish to re-run MCAS with the cross-section option enabled.

Example parameters file

Listing 1 n+12C.inp
 runname = 'n+12C'
 options = 'sturm,rotation,res,fast'

 projectile_mass   = 1
 projectile_charge   = 0d0
 target_mass   = 12
 target_charge = 6

 emin =  -6.001
 emax  = 4d0
 estep = 0.2
 Rcoul = 2.8
 acoul = 0.6
 B = 1
 rho = 7.0d0
 kpmax = 80

 name = 'C12+n'
 a = 0.65d0
 bigR = 3.090728
 v0 = -49.0, 0.0 , -47.1
 vll =  4.5548, 0.0 ,  0.6098
 vls =  7.3836, 0.0 ,  9.176
 vss = -4.77, 0.0 , -0.052
 ibmax = 10
 nshells = 2
 nsturm = 30
 V_radius = 10d0

 ntargex = 3

 targex(1)%energy = 0.0
 targex(1)%spin = 0.0d0
 targex(1)%parity = 1
 targex(1)%alla = 0.0 , 1.0d+06, 1.0d+06

 targex(2)%energy = 4.4389
 targex(2)%spin = 2.0d0
 targex(2)%parity = 1
 targex(2)%alla = 0.0 , 1.0d+06, 1.0d+06

 targex(3)%energy = 7.654
 targex(3)%spin = 0.0d0
 targex(3)%parity = 1
 targex(3)%alla = 0.0 , 1.0d+06, 1.0d+06

 nbeta = 1

 beta(1)%nucl = -0.52
 beta(1)%coul  = -0.52
 beta(1)%lval = 2
